Chris Harman
Chris HARMAN (8-a de novembro 1942 – 7-a de novembro 2009) estis ĉefredaktoro de la gazeto International Socialism kaj estro de la Socialista laborista partio de Britio. Li estis ankaŭ ĉefredaktoro de la ĉiusemajna gazeto Socialist Worker. Li skribis interalie :
- The Class Struggles in Eastern Europe
- A People's History of the World
- The Economics Of The Madhouse
- Explaining The Crisis
- The Lost Revolution-Germany 1918-23
- How Marxism Works
- The Fire Last Time: 1968 And After
- Marxism And History
- Days Of Hope
- The Prophet And The Proletariat
The Changing Working Class: Essays on Class Structure Today (kun Alex CALLINICOS)- Russia: How the Revolution Was Lost
In The Heat of the Struggle: 25 Years of Socialist Worker (redaktoro)- Bureaucracy and Revolution in Eastern Europe
- Class Struggles in Eastern Europe 1945-83
- Eastern Europe: The Storm Breaks
- Gramsci Versus Reformism
Days of Hope: The General Strike of 1926 (kun Duncan HALLAS)- Party and Class
- The Revolutionary Paper
- Word is Gay: Socialists and the Fight Against Gay Oppression
- Why Labour Fails