
Showing posts from April 8, 2019

Test if tikzmark exists on same page

4 Apologies for flooding the site with tikzmark problems ... :) I know that with iftikzmark I can test if a given tikzmark exists in general. Is there a way to test if a particular tikzmark exists on the same page? Use case: I'm trying to design macros that I can insert anywhere in a text that would draw a line between them –- a linestart and a linefinish command. However, when the linefinish command happens to fall on a subsequent page, the line gets drawn to where the linestart command was on the previous page. I would rather have it instead "do something else", here, just for purpose of illustration, draw me a black square – or, ideally "point across" the page in the direction to where the other mark is sitting. In the code below, I've tried to construct what I'm ...
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