
Showing posts from March 25, 2019

Dosiero:Flag of Spas-Demensk.png

Priskribo Flag of Spas-Demensk.png English: Flag of Spas-Demensk Русский: Флаг Спас-Деменска Dato la 22-a de septembro 2010 Fonto Aŭtoro Russian Centre of Vexillology and Heraldry Permeso (Reuzo de la dosiero) Public domain Public domain false false This work is not an object of copyright according to article 1259 of Book IV of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation No. 230-FZ of December 18, 2006. Shall not be objects of copyright: official documents of state government agencies and local government agencies of municipal formations, including laws, other legal texts, judicial decisions, other materials of legislative, administrative and judicial character, official documents of international organizations, as well as their official translations; state symbols and signs (flags, emblems, orders, any forms of money, and the like), as well as symbols and signs of municipal for...

What will be the temperature on Earth when Sun finishes its main sequence?

4 $begingroup$ We know that presently Sun is 4.5 billion years into its main sequence. It has another 5 billion years before it enters the Red Giant phase. We also know that Sun's luminosity increases by 10% every billion years during the main sequence. I am interested in finding the temperature rise as we approach the end of main sequence. I got two different values for temperature on Earth. Wikipedia entry says that temperature on Earth would be 422 k in 2.8 billion years. However, if we use the formula for effective temperature as discussed in this answer and L = 1.8 then, the temperature on Earth would be 330K. Also in this book, the author does the same calculations on page 255. geophysics hypothetical a...