
Showing posts from March 29, 2019

Company wants to publish my work under someone else's name?

0 So, I'm fresh out of high school, I applied to my first job, and got a response! I'll be a freelance writer, writing about tech for a company's blog. However, my (potential) employer mentioned in their last email that the stuff I write may either be published without a name or under the company's founder's name, and I that may not be credited. This would mean, of course, that I can't list the stuff I write for them on my portfolio/website, and that I can't submit these as examples of previously published works of mine when applying to a future job (which, incidentally, is something that this very company also asked for in applications). This seems slightly sketchy to me, especially the bit about publishing it under someone else's name. Am I right to be worried? Is this accept...


Der Titel dieses Artikels ist mehrdeutig. Zu Personen mit dem Namen Dingelstädt siehe Dingelstädt (Familienname). Für den gleichlautenden Ort am Huy siehe hier Wappen Deutschlandkarte 51.315031 10.31906 335 Koordinaten: 51° 19′  N , 10° 19′  O Basisdaten Bundesland: Thüringen Landkreis: Eichsfeld Höhe: 335 m ü. NHN Fläche: 59,4 km 2 Einwohner: 6901 (31. Dez. 2017) [1] Bevölkerungsdichte: 116 Einwohner je km 2 Postleitzahl: 37351 Vorwahl: 036075 Kfz-Kennzeichen: EIC, HIG, WBS Gemeindeschlüssel: 16 0 61 118 Adresse der Stadtverwaltung: Geschwister-Scholl-Str. 26/28 37351 Dingelstädt Website: Bürgermeister: Andreas Karl Fernkorn (CDU) Lage der Stadt Dingelstädt im Landkreis Eichsfeld Stadtkirche Gymnasium, Frontansicht Gymnasium, westlicher Hof Die Landstad...
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