
Showing posts from January 28, 2019

Listo de botanikistoj laŭ mallongigoj (G)

Enhavo:  A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z G | G.A.Black – George Alexander Black (1916–1957) Gaertn. – Joseph Gaertner (1732–1791) Gagnep. – François Gagnepain (1866–1952) G.A.Klebs – Georg Albrecht Klebs (1857–1918) Gaill – Charles Gaillardot (1814–1883) Gaillard – Albert Gaillard (1858–1903) Gaimard – Joseph Paul Gaimard (1790–1858) Gale – Shirley Gale Cross (1915–2008) Galeotti – Henri Guillaume Galeotti (1814–1858) Galpin – Ernest Edward Galpin (1858–1941) Galushko – Anatol I. Galushko (* 1926) Gamble – James Sykes Gamble (1847–1925) Gand. – Michel Gandoger (1850–1926) Gandhi – Kancheepuram Natarajan Gandhi (* 1948) G.A.Noble – Glenn Arthur Noble (1909–2001) Garay – Leslie Andrew Garay (* 1924) Garbari – Fabio Garbari (* 1937) García-Barr. – Hernando García-Barriga (1913–2005) Garcke – Chr...

Finding balance between freedom and productivity

86 13 Preface: I am working in a company where most of the employees are in their early 20s. We have a very open culture and office. This is great to have a very friendly and low-stress working environment. As a byproduct, productivity is low and almost everyone is behaving fairly unprofessionally. They don't respect deadlines, juniors don't follow instructions carefully. And a grave lack of mutual respect among many colleagues etc. As a member of management, what can I do to find a balance between a fun and free working environment, and utter chaos. I don't want to make any dramatic change that upsets staff. I am hoping to slowly instill some more discipline. Question: At a high level, what management principles are there that I could employ to focus staff on being more task orientated rather tha...
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