
Showing posts from February 21, 2019

How can I persuade an unwilling soul to become willing?

4 $begingroup$ This question is inspired by this question. In that question, one of the answer explains that you can predict if the soul is willing or not by means of some divination spells. It, however, doesn't address (so this question sparks): How to persuade an unwilling soul to become willing to be resurrected again? Answer that explain how to do this as PC is surely better than those that will only works as DM narrative/fiat. I'm unfamiliar with after-life lore in Forgotten Lore setting, so if you think that will help explaining the answer, please do. If I'm not mistaken, I've read that a lawful good soul usually won't be willing to return because it's reached Valhalla or something. dnd-5e resurrection soul ...
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